This data type represents an enumeration, and contains the values listed below
- Company = 0
- Contact = 1
- Lead = 2
- Account = 3
- Catalog = 4
- Opportunity = 5
- Activity = 6
- Zone = 7
- CatalogCategory = 8
- Campaign = 9
- DDTPort = 10
- DDTCause = 11
- DDTAppearance = 12
- Payment = 13
- BankCode = 14
- PriceList = 15
- TaxCode = 16
- MovementCauseCode = 17
- CompanyFromContactId = 18
- Database = 19
- GroupName = 20
- DataStorageFile = 21
- Survey = 22
- TicketArea = 23
- TicketType = 24
- Promotion = 25
- List = 26
- CompanyCategory = 27
- ContactCategory = 28
- Ticket = 29
- TicketStatus = 30
- TicketPriority = 31
- OrderNumber = 32
- InvoiceNumber = 33
- QuoteNumber = 34
- DDTNumber = 35
- FileCategory = 36
- WorkGroup = 37
- Cati = 38
- FileStatus = 39
- CompanyType = 40
- ContactType = 41
- LeadStatus = 42
- LeadRating = 43
- LeadProductInterest = 44
- Currency = 45
- LeadSource = 46
- ActivityType = 47
- ActivityClassification = 48
- ActivityState = 49
- ActivityPriority = 50
- ActivityToDo = 51
- CatalogProductType = 52
- UnitOfMeasure = 53
- OpportunityStatus = 54
- OpportunityPhase = 55
- OpportunityCategory = 56
- OpportunityLostReason = 57
- QuoteStage = 58
- ErpShippedBy = 59
- ErpRowType = 60
- PaymentName = 61
- InvoiceType = 62
- EMailMacroType = 63
- EMailSubType = 64
- DDTShippedBy = 65
- LeadPriority = 66
- RollingStock = 67
- SalesTargetType = 68
- SalesTargetReference = 69
- TicketStatusType = 70
- JobOrder = 71
- JobOrderType = 72
- JobOrderStatus = 73
- JobOrderPriority = 74
- JobOrderBillingType = 75
- Contract = 76
- ContractService = 77
- Asset = 78
- JobOrderTask = 79
- WorkTeam = 80
- JobOrderTaskStatus = 81
- Calendar = 82
- BankDescription = 83
- JobOrderTaskSparePartType = 84
- RollingStockType = 85
- JobOrderTaskMode = 86
- JobOrderBudgetType = 87
- BusinessObjectType = 88
- CallLogResult = 89
- ApprovalConfiguration = 90
- ApprovalStatus = 91
- ApprovalRuleCalcType = 92
- HelperClassType = 93
- BusinessRole = 94
- ErpRowTypeGiftMode = 95
- TustenaCompany = 96
- MessageChannel = 97
- ActivitySubType = 98
- Role = 99
- CostType = 100
- Month = 101
- LanguageISO6391 = 102
- DDT = 103
- CustomErpDocumentNumber = 104
- CustomErpDocumentType = 105
- ContractTypeOfService = 106
- PaymentType = 107
- ExpenseVehicle = 108
- ContractCategory = 109
- ContractStatus = 110
- PaymentMode = 111
- ContractTypeOfPrice = 112
- ContractKindOfPrice = 113
- ContractTypeOfInstalment = 114
- ContractServiceStatus = 115
- ContractYearMode = 116
- ExpenseReportStatus = 117
- ExpenseVehicleType = 118
- ExpenseItem = 119
- ExpensePaymentMethod = 121
- EventItemStatus = 122
- EventLandings = 123
- Event = 124
- PhoneSubType = 125
- PhoneMacroType = 126
- Office = 127
- PrivacyTypeManagement = 128
- MailTemplate = 129
- TaxInternalCode = 140
- WorkPlan = 141
- WorkPlanStatus = 142
- FlowTrigger = 143
The following table contains the main schema information about this data type.
Feature | Value |
Type | integer |
Format: | int32 |
Required: |